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Get Better Oral Hygiene and Stop Migraines with Your Dentist in Bothell

May 8, 2017

Young African woman suffering from a terrible headache.If you’re suffering from chronic migraines, you may not know that your oral hygiene routine can affect the frequency and severity of these migraine headaches. A recent study conducted at the University of California, San Diego Department of Computer Science and Engineering suggested a link between the foods we eat, the way we absorb nitrates found in them, and persistent, chronic migraines. If you’re a migraine sufferer, you may want to consider visiting the Annigan Dental team to learn more about the link between migraine headaches and poor oral health. Call our office to schedule a consultation with our team, and we can discuss the possible relationship between your smile and your chronic headaches.

A Look At the Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry In Bothell

October 19, 2015

cosmetic dentistry bothellWhat’s on your list of improvements to make this New Year? Weight loss is the most common, but Annigan Dental has a better idea. Let a professional handle your 2016 transformations — choose cosmetic dentistry in Bothell. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits you’ll enjoy when you improve the appearance of your smile this year.
